THE 2014 COROLLA, welcoming Toyota on-boad

Redesigned Corolla The redesigned Toyota Corolla is a bold ‘game on’ statement from Toyota Motors to all major competitors especially Hyundai and Honda. Toyota before now is known for putting little efforts into how cool their Toyota branded cars look both from the outside and inside. This, Honda and very recently Hyundai and even Kia has capatalised on greatly to become great threats to Toyota cars in some markets. Realizing this, Toyota in the past five or so years started some real visual upgrade and redesign with emphasis on aesthetics. Though not all the redesigns and face-lifts has come out well (case in point, the 2013 Camry face-lift), the recent corolla redesign is definitely a big thumbs up. Came out way better than the Civic , Elantra and … what. 2014 civic 2014 Elantra Though the looks of the last Hyundai Elantra may be a point to ague compared to that of the Corolla, I still mentain that there is something very grown-up about the Corolla looks thats not t...